
mission & vision

Short, medium, and long-Term project

Summary of the 11 Key Points of the Project

A solid project that will enable Wydad Athletic Club to achieve sporting success and to establish an autonomous system with a reliable, scalable, repeatable, and profitable business model.

IMPORTANT: The 11 points below are just a summary, they are developed in detail one by one in my program available for download in the "DOWNLOAD THE PROJECT" section (available in French, English, and Arabic).

Management structuring
It will involve the strategic vision and the organization and coordination of Wydad's business activities.

This concerns the governance of the club and the establishment of a general management and 6 departments.

These departments will have a major role in the management, vision, and future development of the club's activities.

  1. Financial Department
  2. Marketing and Communication Department
  3. Human Resources Department
  4. Administrative Department
  5. Logistics Department
  6. Legal Department

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Sports structuring
It will focus on the sports strategy, organization, and development of technical and operational aspects related to football, as well as sporting performance.

This will include managing the first team, the youth academy, player recruitment, physical and tactical preparation, playing philosophy, and performance analysis.

Two departments will be created:

  • Sports Department
  • Technical Department
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First team
This is a very important point in which the sports and technical departments will have a crucial role.

This involves defining and implementing a clear recruitment policy focused solely on recruiting top-quality players. The goal is to prioritize quality over quantity.

It also involves selecting a competent coach and staff aligned ONLY with the club's playing philosophy and sports strategy. No room for random choices or decisions.

The club should aim for a podium ratio of at least 60%. If Wydad Athletic Club competes for 3 titles, it should be able to win a minimum of two.

In the last 10 years, the podium ratio has not exceeded 21%!
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The marketing vision
Wydad has never capitalized on its successes, has never leveraged the power of its brand, and has never sought to diversify and increase its revenue sources.

We are dependent on traditional revenues and exceptional revenues that are never guaranteed. It only takes a small problem for Wydad to be in crisis.

This involves developing a strong brand strategy to increase the club's visibility and revenue.

My project aims to establish a multitude of stable revenue sources for Wydad to ensure financial stability for the club and avoid dependence on exceptional revenues, such as competition bonuses, broadcasting rights, etc. My promises:

  1. Opening a set of businesses under the Wydad name (proprietary name and franchises)
  2. Creating a real paid museum
  3. Offering paid VIP experiences during matches
  4. Launching a paid streaming platform to broadcast exclusive club content live
  5. Organizing non-sports events at the Benjelloun complex and the academy
  6. Establishing partnerships for co-branding operations
  7. Developing applications offering paid features and in-app purchases
  8. Implementing a licensing program to allow companies to market official Wydad products
  9. Launching a crowdfunding platform to finance club projects with valuable rewards for contributors (shares, for example)
  10. Sports Tourism: offering sports tourism packages to take advantage of the club's popularity worldwide and Morocco's attractiveness as a tourist destination
  11. Implementing a "naming rights" strategy to market the naming rights of all structures, events, or competitions managed or owned by Wydad for a contractual period
  12. Training and Consulting: offering sports management and athletic performance training and consulting services to other clubs organizations wishing to benefit from Wydad's expertise
  13. Creating the official Wydad anthem

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The financial vision
It will focus on implementing a strategy to ensure financial stability. This involves the financial management and planning of the club, its resources, and its ability to anticipate all scenarios.

This will result in 9 important pillars detailed in my project available for download:

  1. Establishing detailed budgets
  2. Financial planning scenarios
  3. Cash management
  4. Cost control and operational efficiency
  5. Cost reduction and expense optimization
  6. Profitability analysis
  7. Financial risk management
  8. Transparency and compliance
  9. Investment in human capital

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The membership program
In this point, it is crucial, even very urgent, to address the existing problems in the membership system within Wydad, which have persisted for the past two decades and which I have personally SUFFERED A LOT from, such as complexity, inaccessibility, high cost, and lack of clarity and transparency.

Wydad belongs to ITS SUPPORTERS and not to individuals.

I outline the main points here and develop the details in my program available for download.

  1. Simplification of the membership process
  2. Flexible and inclusive pricing
  3. Benefits of being a Wydad member
  4. Transparency
  5. Member engagement
  6. Communication and feedback
  7. Exclusive events for members
  8. Participation in the club's life
  9. Improvement of the match experience for the member
  10. Integration of technology to facilitate club/member relationship management

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Club training and academy
It will focus on implementing a unique and consistent training strategy that will start from U10s up to the first team.

The goal is to have an academy that meets the highest quality standards and will enable the creation of a common playing identity for all club categories.

A strategy that will facilitate the transition of young players from one category to another before reaching the first team.

This is a project that will involve the technical and sports departments and the staff of all club categories over a minimum period of 5 years.

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Infrastructure development
The development of infrastructure is crucial in my vision and in the future success of Wydad.

This will not only contribute to improving sporting performance but also to strengthening the club's brand and its community engagement, and to increasing its revenue.

  1. Modernization of the Benjelloun sports complex
  2. Football academy
  3. Multifunctional use of spaces
  4. Management of the club museum
  5. Infrastructure for E-Sport
  6. Improvement of medical facilities
  7. Auditorium and conference center

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Supporters engagement
This point focuses on engaging Wydad's supporters and fans. Wydad supporters, present worldwide, are a valuable asset.

The club must recognize and value their fundamental role in the club's success through concrete actions. Here are the main points:

  1. Creation of a direct dialogue platform
  2. Community and social engagement
  3. Enhancement of the match experience (before, during, and after the match)
  4. Loyalty programs
  5. Development of applications and technologies
  6. Transparency and communication
  7. Listening and responsiveness

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Relations with Football Authorities
Wydad is the leading club in Morocco and among the greats of the continent, and being number 1 means a deep commitment not only to the organizational and sporting success of the club but also to the development and promotion of Moroccan and African football.

This vision must be realized through actions that could significantly contribute to a new era of professionalism, transparency, and excellence in relations between Wydad and the governing bodies of football at the local, continental, and global levels.

My vision regarding this point:

  1. Compliance and transparency
  2. Proactive engagement
  3. Contribution to football governance
  4. Sporting excellence and ethics
  5. International vision and network

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The other sections of Wydad
Wydad Athletic Club is proud to be a multisport club, reflecting the diversity and richness of our sporting heritage.

However, it is imperative that each section of the club can reach and maintain a level of performance comparable to that of our flagship section, football.

As part of this vision, I propose the appointment of dedicated presidents for each sports section. Their mission will be to develop a specific structuring project for their section, defining a clear and coherent development strategy.

These projects will then be submitted to the general management for validation, ensuring a unified guideline for the entire club.

Furthermore, these presidents will be responsible for monitoring the execution of these strategies, intervening proactively when necessary to ensure the success and progression of each discipline.

Through this approach, we aim to strengthen synergy between the different sections of Wydad, valuing diversity while continuing to pursue excellence in each sports field.

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Download the entirety of my project for Wydad Athletic Club.



Before downloading the project: a video

Why this project? What are the goals? A video introduction that answers all questions.

The Wydadi supporters need a project, a vision, and managers capable of leading it to the top both organizationally and sportively. Together, we can achieve great things.